What is Integrated Circuit, it has various concept from different countries or regions, an integrated circuit is referred to as an IC, but its title is different in various countries.
The United States directly refers to integrated circuits as “semiconductor chips” in the “Semiconductor Chip Protection Act,” and the European Community refers to it as “semiconductor products” in the “Directive on Legal Protection of Semiconductor Product Topologies.”
Japan calls it “semiconductor integrated circuit” in the “Semiconductor IC Circuit Layout Law”, which the World Intellectual Property Organization calls “IC” in the Washington Treaty.
China has complied with the term WIPO in the Regulations on the Protection of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, calling it “integrated circuits.”
depositing or etching two or more layers of metal, insulating or semiconductor material on a semiconductor material
Integrated circuits are not only with different names in terms of countries, but also in terms of definitions. Article 901 of the US Semiconductor Chip Protection Act states that “semiconductor chip products” are the last or intermediate form of any of the following products:
A) depositing or etching two or more layers of metal, insulating or semiconductor material on a semiconductor material according to a predetermined pattern;
(B) functioning as an electronic circuit.
Article 1 of the EC Directive on the Legal Protection of Topological Maps of Semiconductor Products states:
1. In this Law (a) “semiconductor products” means any product having the following characteristics, whether in its final form or The intermediate form:
(1) consists of a piece of material containing a layer of semiconductor material;
(2) the product contains one or more layers of semiconductor, conductor, and insulator materials, and the layers are pre-designed. The three-dimensional mode is arranged;
(3) is used to perform an electronic function alone or in combination with other functions.