Unlock Secured Microcontroller PIC12F1840 Flash Code and dump embedded heximal file out from PIC12F1840 encrypted MCU flash memory to copy binary program to a new Microprocessor PIC12F1840;
When the DEBUG bit in Configuration register, CONFIG4L, is programmed to a ‘0’, the In-Circuit Debugger functionality is enabled when replicating mcu PIC12F509 flash memory heximal. This function allows simple debugging functions when used with MPLAB® IDE.
When the microcontroller has this feature enabled, some resources are not available for general use. Table 19-5 shows which resources are required by the background debugger.
To use the In-Circuit Debugger function of the microcontroller, the design must implement In-Circuit Serial Programming connections to MCLR/VPP, VDD, VSS, RB7 and RB6.
This will interface to the In-Circuit Debugger module available from Microchip, or one of the third party development tool companies to crack PIC12F508 MCU Flash memory (see the note fol- lowing Section 19.7 “In-Circuit Serial Programming”for more information).