Unlock Philip Microcontroller P89C52 Eprom Program

if engineer wants to Unlock Philip Microcontroller P89C52 Eprom Program, first step he needs to know how to programme the P89C52 eprom.

Programming of the EPROM on the P89C52 is accomplished with a serial programming method. Commands, addresses, and data are transmitted to and from the device on two pins after programming mode is entered. Serial programming allows easy implementation of On-Board Programming of the P89C52 in an application board. Details of On-Board Programming can be found in application note AN466 with the same features as Unlock Philip Microcontroller P87C750 Eeprom Data.

The P89C52 contains three signature bytes that can be read and used by an EPROM programming system to identify the device. The signature bytes designate the device as an P89C52 manufactured by Philips. The signature bytes may be read by the user program at addresses FC30h, FC31h and FC60h with the MOVC instruction, using the DPTR register for addressing from Unlock Philip Microcontroller P89C52 Eprom Program.

Unlock Philip Microcontroller P89C52 Eprom Program

Unlock Philip Microcontroller P89C52 Eprom Program

System Configuration Bytes

A number of user configurable features of the P89C52 must be defined at power up and therefore cannot be set by the program after start of execution. Those features are configured through the use of two EPROM bytes that are programmed in the same manner as the EPROM program space. The contents of the two configuration bytes, UCFG1 and UCFG2, are shown in below Figuress. The values of these bytes may be read by the program through the use of the MOVX instruction at the addresses shown in the figure.

EPROM System Configuration Byte 1 (UCFG1)

EPROM System Configuration Byte 1 (UCFG1)

EPROM System Configuration Byte 2 (UCFG2)

EPROM System Configuration Byte 2 (UCFG2)

When neither of the security bits are programmed, the code in the EPROM can be verified. When only security bit 1 is programmed, all further programming of the EPROM is disabled. At that point, only security bit 2 may still be programmed. When both security bits are programmed, EPROM verify is also disabled.