Unlock MCU ATmega644 Firmware
Unlock MCU ATmega644 Firmware from memory include flash and eeprom, then copy the code and data to blank Microcontroller which will provide the same functions; Unlock MCU ATmega644 Firmware · Bit 7 – CTC1: Clear Timer/Counter on Compare Match When th...
Unlock MCU ATmega324PA Program
Unlock MCU ATmega324PA Program from its flash memory, after decryption process has been completed, the program can be extracted from Microcontroller; Unlock MCU ATmega324PA Program The Stop condition provides a Timer Enable/Disable function. The pres...
Unlock MCU ATmega164V Program
Unlock MCU ATmega164V Program from the encrypted memory which include the flash and eeprom, then extract the firmware out from the storage and copy the code to other blank Microcontroller ATmega164V; Unlock MCU ATmega164V Program from the encrypted m...
Unlock MCU PIC18F8720 Program
Unlock MCU PIC18F8720 encrypted flash and eeprom memory through reverse engineering technique, locate the security fuse bit and then disable it, the Program can be readout directly from Microcontroller PIC18F8720; Unlock MCU PIC18F8720 Program The se...
Unlock MCU PIC16F872 Program
Unlock MCU PIC16F872 locked memory by cutting off the security fuse then extract the program from flash and data from eeprom, the process will take around 1-2 days after the status of Microcontroller has been reset from locked to unlocked one; Unlock...