Crack MCU ATmega324A Firmware
Crack MCU ATmega324A Firmware from the flash and eeprom memory, extract the firmware in the format of binary or heximal, then copy the content into the blank Microcontroller; Crack MCU ATmega324A Firmware Writing a logical “1” to this bit forces a c...
Crack MCU ATmega164PV Heximal
Crack MCU ATmega164PV Heximal and readout the firmware such as binary or heximal from Microcontroller which has been unlocked and reset the status to un-encrypted one; Crack MCU ATmega164PV Heximal To enter any of the three sleep modes, the SE bit in...
Crack MCU PIC18F8621 Heximal
Crack MCU PIC18F8621 flash and eeprom memory, recover Heximal and download the firmware to other blank Microcontroller to provide the same functions; Crack MCU PIC18F8621 Heximal The EC, ECIO, EC+PLL and EC+SPLL Oscillator modes require an external ...