Semiconductor Chip Hardware Security is in high demand these days. Modern electronic devices are expected to have high level of protection against many known MCU Crack aimed at the IC extraction of stored information from both Flash memory, Eprom or Eeprom memory and ROM memory. This is especially important for devices used in critical areas like automotive, medical, banking and industrial control applications. This leads to a constant arms race between attackers and developers. Usually new microcontroller attacks are disclosed in a responsible way leaving time for integrated circuit manufacturers and system engineers to develop countermeasures.
However, there is always a chance that mitigation technology is not developed in time, or worse, not practical to implement. Are the engineers in semiconductor community prepared for such an outcome? When we look into history of similar discoveries in different areas and gives some results on memory extraction from an old smartcard and approaching highly secure embedded memory – battery-backed SRAM. Finally this paper elaborates on possible discoveries in IC Breaking aimed at stored information. The aim of our research is to raise awareness of emerging attacks to inspire new mitigation techniques to be developed in appropriate and timely way.