Replicate MCU PIC16F1503 Data Memory Content and reprogramme the firmware to blank Microcontroller PIC16F1503 which will provide the same functions as original Microprocessor, through breaking MCU secured system the heximal will be readout directly;
The address is incremented when this command is received. It is not possible to decrement the address. To reset this counter, the user must use the Reset Address command or exit Program/Verify mode and re- enter it. If the address is incremented from address 7FFFh, it will wrap-around to location 0000h. If the address is incremented from FFFFh, it will wrap-around to location 8000h.
The Reset Address command will reset the address to 0000h, regardless of the current value. The address is used in program memory or the configuration memory.
A Load Configuration or Load Data for Program Memory command must be given before every Begin Programming command. Programming of the addressed memory will begin after this command is received. An internal timing mechanism executes the write. The user must allow for the program cycle time, TPINT, for the programming to complete when break PIC18F1458 program memory.
The End Externally Timed Programming command is not needed when the Begin Internally Timed Programming is used to start the programming. The program memory address that is being programmed is not erased prior to being programmed.
A Load Configuration or Load Data for Program Memory command must be given before every Begin Programming command. Programming of the addressed memory will begin after this command is received. To complete the programming the End Externally Timed Programming command must be sent in the specified time window defined by TPEXT for the purpose of MCU PIC16F627A data cloning.
Externally timed writes are not supported for Configuration and Calibration bits. Any externally timed write to the Configuration or Calibration Word will have no effect on the targeted word.