PIC16F1509 Microprocessor Program Memory Unlocking

PIC16F1509 Microprocessor Program Memory Unlocking and readout firmware from it, remove the protective security fuse bit by focus ion beam and recover MCU code from flash memory and eeprom memory;

PIC16F1509 Microprocessor Program Memory Unlocking and readout firmware from it, remove the protective security fuse bit by focus ion beam and recover MCU code from flash memory and eeprom memory
PIC16F1509 Microprocessor Program Memory Unlocking and readout firmware from it, remove the protective security fuse bit by focus ion beam and recover MCU code from flash memory and eeprom memory

PIC16F1509 Sum of Memory addresses 0000h-1FFFh E000h(1) Configuration Word 1 3FFFh(2)
Configuration Word 1 mask 3EFFh(3)
Configuration Word 2 3FFFh(4)
Configuration Word 2 mask 3FF3h(5)
Checksum = E000h + (3FFFh and 3EFFh) + (3FFFh and 3FF3h)(6)
= E000h + 3EFFh + 3FF3h
= 5EF2h

crack microcontroller pic16f1509 protection
crack microcontroller pic16f1509 protection

Note 1: This value is obtained by taking the total number of program memory locations (0x000 to 0x1FFFh which is E000h) and multiplying it by the blank memory value of 0x3FFF to get the sum of 1FF F800h. Then, truncate to 16 bits, thus having a final value of F800h.

PIC16F1509 güvenli mikroişlemci program belleğinin kilidini açma ve flash bellekten veya eeprom bellekten bellenimi okuma, odak iyon ışını ile şifreli PIC16F1509 mikrodenetleyicinin koruyucu güvenlik sigorta bitini çıkarın ve flash bellek ve eeprom bellekten ikili kod veya onaltılık veri biçiminde kilitli MCU PIC16F1509 kaynak kodunu kurtarın;
PIC16F1509 güvenli mikroişlemci program belleğinin kilidini açma ve flash bellekten veya eeprom bellekten bellenimi okuma, odak iyon ışını ile şifreli PIC16F1509 mikrodenetleyicinin koruyucu güvenlik sigorta bitini çıkarın ve flash bellek ve eeprom bellekten ikili kod veya onaltılık veri biçiminde kilitli MCU PIC16F1509 kaynak kodunu kurtarın;

2: This value is obtained by making all bits of the Configuration Word 1 a ‘1’, then converting it to hex, thus having a value of 3FFFh.
3: This value is obtained by making all used bits of the Configuration Word 1 a ‘1’, then converting it to hex, thus having a value of 3EFFh.
4: This value is obtained by making all bits of the Configuration Word 2 a ‘1’, then converting it to hex, thus having a value of 3FFFh.

PIC16F1509 защитена микропроцесорна програмна памет отключване и четене на фърмуера от флаш памет или eeprom памет, премахване на защитния предпазител за сигурност на PIC16F1509 криптиран микроконтролер чрез фокус йонен лъч и възстановяване на заключен MCU PIC16F1509 изходен код във формат на двоичен код или хексимални данни от флаш памет и eeprom памет;
PIC16F1509 защитена микропроцесорна програмна памет отключване и четене на фърмуера от флаш памет или eeprom памет, премахване на защитния предпазител за сигурност на PIC16F1509 криптиран микроконтролер чрез фокус йонен лъч и възстановяване на заключен MCU PIC16F1509 изходен код във формат на двоичен код или хексимални данни от флаш памет и eeprom памет;

5: This value is obtained by making all used bits of the Configuration Word 2 a ‘1’, then converting it to hex, thus having a value of 3FF3h.
6: This value is obtained by ANDing the Configuration Word value with the Configuration Word Mask Value and adding it to the sum of memory addresses: (3FFFh and 3EFFh) + (3FFFh and 3FF3h) + E000h =
1 34FEh. Then, truncate to 16 bits, thus having a final value of 5EF2h.

PIC16F1509 el desbloqueo seguro de la memoria del programa del microprocesador y el firmware de lectura de la memoria flash o la memoria eeprom, retire el bit de fusible de seguridad de protección de PIC16F1509 microcontrolador cifrado mediante el haz de iones de enfoque y recupere el código fuente de la MCU PIC16F1509 bloqueado en formato de código binario o datos heximales de la memoria flash y la memoria eeprom;
PIC16F1509 el desbloqueo seguro de la memoria del programa del microprocesador y el firmware de lectura de la memoria flash o la memoria eeprom, retire el bit de fusible de seguridad de protección de PIC16F1509 microcontrolador cifrado mediante el haz de iones de enfoque y recupere el código fuente de la MCU PIC16F1509 bloqueado en formato de código binario o datos heximales de la memoria flash y la memoria eeprom;

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