The monitor ROM allows complete testing of the Motorola M68HC711KA4 through a single-wire interface with a host computer, which can be used for Motorola M68HC711KA4 Flash Memory Replication:
Features of the monitor ROM include the following:
• Normal user-mode pin functionality
• One pin dedicated to serial communication between monitor ROM and host computer
• Standard mark/space non-return-to-zero (NRZ) communication with host computer
• 4800 baud to 28.8 k-baud communication with host computer
• FLASH memory security feature1
• Execution of code in RAM or FLASH
The monitor ROM receives and executes commands from a host computer. below Figure shows a example circuit used to enter monitor mode and communicate with a host computer via a standard RS-232 interface.
While simple monitor commands can access any memory address, the MCU has a FLASH security feature to prevent external viewing of the contents of FLASH. Proper procedures must be followed to verify FLASH content. Access to the FLASH is denied to unauthorized users of customer specified software.
Motorola M68HC711KA4 Flash Memory Replication
In monitor mode, the MCU can execute host-computer code in RAM while all MCU pins except PTA0 retain normal operating mode functions. All communication between the host computer and the MCU is through the PTA0 pin. A level-shifting and multiplexing interface is required between PTA0 and the host computer. PTA0 is used in a wired-OR configuration and requires a pullup resistor.