MCU reverse engineering, also known as MCU restoration or MCU Recovery, refers to the process of extracting technical secrets such as the data and program from flash and eeprom memory, from a finished MCU, usually for the purpose of producing products with the same or similar performance.
Reverse engineering of microcontroller refers to the analysis and evaluation of other people’s secured microcontroller, and then creates new and original integrated circuits based on the results of such analysis and evaluation.
1st of all, The usual practice is to chemically dissolve the wafer, then take the circuit system and, after thoroughly analyzing the function of the circuit, redesign the chip that is different from the original product but has the same function.
Usually, it takes three to half a year to develop a new microcontroller independently, and redesigned on the basis of reverse engineering of MCU, it takes only one year and a half years, if it is directly copied, It only takes three to five months. Therefore, MCU reverse engineering does not excessively violate the principle of fair competition, so reverse engineering MCU has always been considered an acceptable behavior in the industry.