Extract IC PIC16C661 Binary needs to break mcu fuse bit protection and extract embedded firmware in the format of heximal from microcontroller flash and eeprom memory;
PIC16CXXX devices have special features to reduce external components, thus reducing cost, enhancing system reliability and reducing power consumption.
There are four oscillator options, of which the single pin RC oscillator provides a low-cost solution, the LP oscillator minimizes power consumption, XT is a standard crystal, and the HS is for High Speed crystals.
The SLEEP (power-down) mode offers power saving. The user can wake-up the chip from SLEEP through several external and internal interrupts and resets. A highly reliable Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator provides protection against software lock-up after restore pic mcu firmware.
A UV-erasable CERDIP-packaged version is ideal for code development while the cost-effective One-Time Programmable (OTP) version is suitable for production in any volume.
The PIC16CXXX series fit perfectly in applications ranging from battery chargers to low-power remote sensors. The EPROM technology makes customization of application programs (detection levels, pulse generation, timers, etc.) extremely fast and convenient if reading pic mcu pic12f508.
The small footprint packages make this microcontroller series perfect for all applications with space limitations. Low-cost, low-power, high-performance, ease of use, and I/O flexibility make the PIC16C64X & PIC16C66X very versatile.
Those users familiar with the PIC16C5X family of microcontrollers will realize that this is an enhanced version of the PIC16C5X architecture. Please refer to Appendix A for a detailed list of enhancements. Code written for PIC16C5X can be easily ported to the PIC16C64X & PIC16C66X (Appendix B) after decoding microchip mcu pic16f505.
PIC16C64X & PIC16C66X devices are supported by the complete line of Microchip Development tools, including:
· MPLAB Integrated Development Environment including MPLAB-Simulator.
· MPASM Universal Assembler and MPLAB-C Universal C compiler.
· PRO MATE II and PICSTART Plus device programmers.
· PICMASTER In-circuit Emulator System
· fuzzyTECH-MP Fuzzy Logic Development Tools
· DriveWay Visual Programming Tool
Please refer to Section 11.0 for more details about these and other Microchip development tools.