Crack S3F94C4 Microcontroller Locked Memory

S3F94C4 microcontrollers use the system stack for subroutine calls and returns and to store data obtained from Crack S3F94C4 Microcontroller Locked Memory. The PUSH and POP instructions are used to control system stack operations. The S3F94C4 architecture supports stack operations in the internal register file.

Return addresses for procedure calls and interrupts and data are stored on the stack. The contents of the PC are saved to stack by a CALL instruction and restored by the RET instruction. When an interrupt occurs, the contents of the PC and the FLAGS register are pushed to the stack to achieve the goal of Unlock S3F9488 Chip Secured Memory. The IRET instruction then pops these values back to their original locations. The stack address is always decremented before a push operation and incremented after a pop operation. The stack pointer (SP) always points to the stack frame stored on the top of the stack, as shown in below Figure.

Stack Operations

Stack Operations

Register location D9H contains the 8-bit stack pointer (SP) that is used for system stack operations. After a reset, the SP value is undetermined. Because only internal memory space is implemented in the S3F94C4, the SP must be initialized to an 8- bit value in the range 00H–B7H.

In case a Stack Pointer is initialized to 00H, it is decreased to FFH when stack operation starts. This means that a Stack Pointer access invalid stack area before Samsung S3F9498 Microcontroller Heximal Cloning.

Crack S3F94C4 Microcontroller Locked Memory

Crack S3F94C4 Microcontroller Locked Memory

The following example shows you how to perform stack operations in the internal register file using PUSH and POP instructions when Break IC Program:


LD SP,#0B8H ;


SP ¬ B8H (Normally, the SP is set to 0B8H by the initialization routine)


SYM ; Stack address 0B7H ¬ SYM
PUSH WTCON ; Stack address 0B6H ¬ WTCON
PUSH 20H ; Stack address 0B5H ¬ 20H

R3 ; Stack address 0B4H ¬ R3
POP R3 ; R3 ¬ Stack address 0B4H
POP 20H ; 20H ¬ Stack address 0B5H
POP WTCON ; WTCON ¬ Stack address 0B6H
POP SYM ; SYM ¬ Stack address 0B7H