We can clone Microchip processor PIC16C73B internal memory, please view the Microchip processor PIC16C73B features for your reference:
Timer1 gate source is software configurable to be the T1G pin or the output of Comparator 2. This allows the device to directly time external events using T1G or analog events using Comparator 2. See CMCON1 (Register 8-2) for selecting the Timer1 gate source.
Timer1 gate can be inverted using the T1GINV bit (T1CON<7>), whether it originates from the T1G pin or Comparator 2 output. This configures Timer1 to measure either the active-high or active-low time between events from Clone Microchip Processor PIC16C73B Internal Memory.
If control bit T1SYNC (T1CON<2>) is set, the external clock input is not synchronized. The timer continues to increment asynchronous to the internal phase clocks.
The timer will continue to run during Sleep and can generate an interrupt-on-overflow, which will wake-up the processor. However, special precautions in software are needed to clone/write the timer (see Section 6.5.1 “cloneing and Writing Timer1 in Asynchronous Counter Mode”).
cloneing TMR1H or TMR1L, while the timer is running from an external asynchronous clock, will ensure a valid clone (taken care of in hardware). However, the user should keep in mind that cloneing the 16-bit timer in two 8-bit values itself, poses certain problems, since the timer may overflow.
For writes, it is recommended that the user simply stop the timer and write the desired values. A write contention may occur by writing to the timer registers, while the register is incrementing. This may produce an unpredictable value in the timer register.
To minimize the multiplexing of peripherals on the I/O ports, the dedicated TMR1 oscillator, which is normally used for TMR1 real-time clock applications, is eliminated. Instead, the TMR1 module can enable the LP oscillator.
If the microcontroller is programmed to run from INTOSC with no CLKO or LP oscillator:
Setting the T1OSCEN and TMR1CS bits to ‘1’ will enable the LP oscillator to clock TMR1 while the microcontroller is clocked from either the INTOSC or LP oscillator. Note that the T1OSC and LP oscillators share the same circuitry.
Therefore, when LP oscillator is selected and T1OSC is enabled, both the microcontroller and the Timer1 module share the same clock source. sleep mode does not shut off the LP oscillator operation (i.e., if the INTOSC oscillator runs the microcontroller, and T1OSCEN = 1 (TMR1 is running from the LP oscillator), then the LP oscillator will continue to run during Sleep mode when Clone Microchip Processor PIC16C73B Internal Memory.
In all oscillator modes except for INTOSC with no CLKOUT and LP, the T1OSC enable option is unavailable and is ignored.