Microcontroller Unlock also known as microcontroller Attack or Microcontroller Break, but strictly speaking these types of call are not scientific, but it has become accustomed to it is called, we roughly define CPLD decryption, DSP decryption as IC Crack. MCU is only one type of ICs which can load program. IC which can load program and can also encrypted includes DSP, CPLD, PLD, AVR, ARM, etc. There are also IC chips with special encryption algorithm for encryption IC chips and manufacturer code verification , such IC chip can achieve the purpose of preventing copying of electronic products.

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Product Description

Retrieve Microchip PIC16LF873A Eeprom Data

Retrieve Microchip MCU PIC16LF873A eeprom data and flash program from secured microcontroller PIC16LF873A locked internal memory in the format of binary data or heximal code, decrypt security fuse bit of protective microprocessor PIC16LF873A and cop...

Replicate PIC16LF819 MCU Heximal Data

Replicate PIC16LF819 MCU heximal Data from secured flash program memory and protective eeprom data memory needs to reverse engineering PIC16LF819 microcontroller tamper resistance fuse bit and decode PIC16LF819 microprocessor embedded firmware; r...

Duplicate Microprocessor PIC16LF818 Memory Code

Duplicate Microprocessor PIC16LF818 Memory Code needs to crack secured microcontroller PIC16LF818 protection system and extract microchip MCU PIC16LF818 encrypted flash program memory and eeprom data memory in the format of binary firmware or hexima...

Unlock PIC16F819 Processor Data Memory

Unlock PIC16F819 Processor data memory can help engineer to restore embedded firmware from secured microcontroller PIC16F819 flash memory and eeprom memory, copy binary file or heximal data to new protective microprocessor PIC16F819 MCU for cloning;...

Crack HA2089 Microprocessor Flash Memory

The MPASM Universal Macro Assembler is a PC- hosted symbolic assembler. It supports all microcontroller series including the HA2089 families when Crack HA2089 Microprocessor Flash Memory. MPASM offers full featured Macro capabilities, conditional ass...

Microchip HA3099 MCU Flash Code Duplication

The PICDEM-3 is a simple demonstration board that supports the HA3099 in the PDIP package. It will also support future 44-pin PLCC microcontrollers with a LCD Module to better use for NXP P87C453 Microcomputer Flash Code Cloning. All the necessary ha...

RISC HA3089 Microcontroller Flash Program Cloning

The PICSTART programmer is an easy-to-use, low-cost prototype programmer. It connects to the PC via one of the COM (RS-232) ports. MPLAB Integrated Development Environment software makes using the programmer simple and efficient by Read IC PIC MCU PI...

Unlock Microcontroller PIC16LF628A Program Flash

Unlock microcontroller PIC16LF628A program flash memory and recover secured embedded firmware in the format of binary software or heximal source code from protective microprocessor PIC16LF628A; unlock microcontroller PIC16LF628A program flash mem...

Crack PIC16LF627A Processor Data Eeprom

Crack PIC16LF627A processor data eeprom and dump embedded firmware from secured MICROCHIP MCU PIC16LF627A flash memory and eeprom memory, the original binary content or heximal source code can be restored from protective microprocessor PIC16LF627A; ...

MCU PIC16LF648A Flash Program Decoding

MCU PIC16LF648A flash program decoding can help engineer to restore embedded firmware from secured microcontroller PIC16LF648A after crack protective microprocessor PIC16LF648A flash program memory and eeprom data memory in the format of binary file...