Microcontroller Unlock also known as microcontroller Attack or Microcontroller Break, but strictly speaking these types of call are not scientific, but it has become accustomed to it is called, we roughly define CPLD decryption, DSP decryption as IC Crack. MCU is only one type of ICs which can load program. IC which can load program and can also encrypted includes DSP, CPLD, PLD, AVR, ARM, etc. There are also IC chips with special encryption algorithm for encryption IC chips and manufacturer code verification , such IC chip can achieve the purpose of preventing copying of electronic products.
Integrated Circuit Birth and Development
In 1952, a scientist at the British Radar Institute called G.W.A. Dummer proposed an idea of whether the transistors and diodes and other necessary components contained in a circuit could be assembled on a semiconductor wafer according to the require...
Reverse Engineering Integrated Circuit Legitimate Foundation
Reverse Engineering Integrated Circuit is to break IC‘s key technologies designed with property owner. On the basis of this, the integrated circuit layout design obtained will inevitably contain imitation and copying of the prior layout design,...
Clone Microcontroller Memory Content Remanence
There is possibility that Clone Microcontroller Memory Content Remanence from previously erased memory. This could create problems with secure devices where designers assumed that all sensitive information is gone once the memory is erased. If the pa...
Secure Microcontroller Data Recovery Effect
Secure Microcontroller usually destroy key material on tamper detection. However, Secure Microcontroller Data Recovery Effect in SRAM and Flash/EEPROM makes secure erasure process more challenging. On the other hand, data integrity of the embedded me...
Attacking Chip Unpredictability
Another area of possible concern could be in unpredictability of the new attacking chip methods, especially if they would be based on some methods previously thought to be impossible. There were many examples when some new attacks were discovered bas...
MCU Attacking
Semiconductor Chip Hardware Security is in high demand these days. Modern electronic devices are expected to have high level of protection against many known MCU Attacking aimed at the IC extraction of stored information. This is especially important...
Microcontroller Cracking Advancing History
It was demonstrated many times in the past how various semiconductor devices could be attacked. In the old days it was mainly non-invasive Microcontroller cracking. However, over time chip manufacturers learned the lesson and significantly improved t...
Semiconductor Chip Hardware Security
Semiconductor Chip Hardware Security is in high demand these days. Modern electronic devices are expected to have high level of protection against many known MCU Crack aimed at the IC extraction of stored information from both Flash memory, Eprom or ...
SoC FPGA Internal Structure
Here by we would like to discuss the SoC FPGA Internal Structure, all fixed function modules included in the chip are shown in below picture. Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC FPGA internal structure These modules implement a complete dual-core ARM processor appl...
What is SoC FPGA Main Characteristic
The challenge of MCUs to application advantages has begun. Field programmable logic devices (FPGAs) with on-chip fixed-function processing subsystems (system-on-a-chip (SoC) FPGAs) have recently become potential competitors for high-end processing ap...