The ST6 CPU includes a true LIFO (Last In First Out) hardware stack which eliminates the need for a stack pointer and Break Chip ST62T25 Eeprom Heximal can start from this unit. The stack consists of six separate 12-bit RAM locations that do not belong to the data space RAM area.
When a subroutine call (or interrupt request) occurs, the contents of each level are shifted into the next level down, while the content of the PC is shifted into the first level (the original contents of the sixth stack level are lost).
Break Chip ST62T25 Eeprom Heximal
When a subroutine or interrupt return occurs (RET or RETI instructions), the first level register is shifted back into the PC to facilitate the process of STMelectronics MCU ST62T03 Code Extraction and the value of each level is popped back into the previous level.
Since the accumulator, in common with all other data space registers, is not stored in this stack, management of these registers should be performed within the subroutine.
Caution: The stack will remain in its “deepest” position if more than 6 nested calls or interrupts are executed, and consequently the last return address will be lost when Crack MCU ST62T18 Memory. It will also remain in its highest position if the stack is empty and a RET or RETI is executed. In this case the next instruction will be executed.