Unlock Microchip PIC16LF913 Microprocessor Memory

The IRCF bits can be modified at any time regardless of which clock source is currently being used as the system clock in order to facilitate the process of Unlock Microchip PIC16LF913 Microprocessor Memory. The internal oscillator allows users to change the frequency during run time. This is achieved by modifying the IRCF bits in the OSCCON register.

отключване на защитен микропроцесорен предпазител Microchip PIC16LF913 бит и четене на изходния код на фърмуера от паметта на флаш програмата и паметта за данни на eeprom от отворения микроконтролер PIC16LF913, оригинален двоичен файл и шестнадесетични данни на защитен микрочип PIC16LF913 възстановяване на MCU;
отключване на защитен микропроцесорен предпазител Microchip PIC16LF913 бит и четене на изходния код на фърмуера от паметта на флаш програмата и паметта за данни на eeprom от отворения микроконтролер PIC16LF913, оригинален двоичен файл и шестнадесетични данни на защитен микрочип PIC16LF913 възстановяване на MCU;

The sequence of events that occur after the IRCF bits are modified is dependent upon the initial value of the IRCF bits before they are modified. If the INTRC (31.25 kHz, IRCF<2:0> = 000) is running and the IRCF bits are modified to any other value than ‘000’, a 4 ms (approx.) clock switch delay is turned on.

odblokowanie zabezpieczonego bezpiecznika mikroprocesora PIC16LF913 i odczytanie kodu źródłowego oprogramowania sprzętowego z pamięci programu flash i pamięci danych eeprom z otwartego mikrokontrolera PIC16LF913, oryginalnego pliku binarnego i danych szesnastkowych ochronnego przywrócenia MCU mikrochipu PIC16LF913;
odblokowanie zabezpieczonego bezpiecznika mikroprocesora PIC16LF913 i odczytanie kodu źródłowego oprogramowania sprzętowego z pamięci programu flash i pamięci danych eeprom z otwartego mikrokontrolera PIC16LF913, oryginalnego pliku binarnego i danych szesnastkowych ochronnego przywrócenia MCU mikrochipu PIC16LF913;

Code execution continues at a higher than expected frequency while the new frequency stabilizes. Time sensitive code should wait for the IOFS bit in the OSCCON register to become set before continuing or Break IC. This bit can be monitored to ensure that the frequency is stable before using the system clock in time critical applications.

Unlock Microchip PIC16LF913 Microprocessor Memory
Unlock Microchip PIC16LF913 Microprocessor Memory

If the IRCF bits are modified while the internal oscillator is running at any other frequency than INTRC (31.25 kHz, IRCF<2:0> ¹ 000), there is no need for a 4 ms (approx.) clock switch delay.  The new INTOSC frequency will be stable immediately after the eight falling edges. The IOFS bit will remain set after clock switching occurs.

Caution must be taken when modifying the IRCF bits using BCF or BSF instructions when Unlock Microchip PIC16LF913 Microprocessor Memory. It is possible to modify the IRCF bits to a frequency that may be out of the VDD specification range; for example, VDD = 2.0V and IRCF = 111 (8 MHz).

Following are three different sequences for switching the internal RC oscillator frequency.

Clock before switch: 31.25 kHz (IRCF<2:0> = 000)

IRCF bits are modified to an INTOSC/INTOSC postscaler frequency.

فتح قفل المعالج الدقيق Microchip PIC16LF913 ورمز مصدر البرنامج الثابت للقراءة من ذاكرة برنامج الفلاش وذاكرة بيانات eeprom من وحدة التحكم الدقيقة المفتوحة PIC16LF913، والملف الثنائي الأصلي والبيانات السداسية لاستعادة MCU للرقاقة الدقيقة PIC16LF913؛
فتح قفل المعالج الدقيق Microchip PIC16LF913 ورمز مصدر البرنامج الثابت للقراءة من ذاكرة برنامج الفلاش وذاكرة بيانات eeprom من وحدة التحكم الدقيقة المفتوحة PIC16LF913، والملف الثنائي الأصلي والبيانات السداسية لاستعادة MCU للرقاقة الدقيقة PIC16LF913؛

The clock switching circuitry waits for a falling edge of the current clock, at which point CLKO is held low.

The clock switching circuitry then waits for eight falling edges of requested clock, after which it switches CLKO to this new clock source in the process of Secured MCU PIC18F2525 Heximal cracking.

The IOFS bit is clear to indicate that the clock is unstable and a 4 ms (approx.) delay is started. Time dependent code should wait for IOFS to become set.

Switchover is complete.