Microchip HA3099 MCU Flash Code Duplication

The PICDEM-3 is a simple demonstration board that supports the HA3099 in the PDIP package. It will also support future 44-pin PLCC microcontrollers with a LCD Module to better use for NXP P87C453 Microcomputer Flash Code Cloning. All the necessary hardware and software is included to run the basic demonstration programs in the process of Microchip HA3099 MCU Flash Code Duplication.

Microchip HA3099 MCU Flash Code Duplication

Microchip HA3099 MCU Flash Code Duplication

The user can program the sample microcontrollers provided  with the PICDEM-3 board, on a PRO MATE II program- mer or PICSTART Plus with an adapter socket, and easily test firmware. The PICMASTER emulator may also be used with the PICDEM-3 board to test firmware acquired from Clone 8 bit ST7FLITES5Y0M6 MCU Flash Memory.

Additional prototype area has been provided to the user for adding hardware and connecting it to the microcontroller socket(s). Some of the features include an RS-232 interface, push-button switches, a potentiometer for simulated analog input when Recover MCU, a thermistor and separate headers for connection to an external LCD module and a keypad to Microchip HA3099 MCU Flash Code Duplication.

Also provided on the PICDEM-3 board is an LCD panel, with 4 commons and 12 seg- ments, that is capable of displaying time, temperature and day of the week. The PICDEM-3 provides an additional RS-232 interface and Windows 3.1 software for showing the demultiplexed LCD signals on a PC to Hack Microcontroller MCU Microchip PIC16CE625. A simple serial interface allows the user to construct a hardware demultiplexer for the LCD signals.

The MPLAB IDE Software brings an ease of software development previously unseen in the 8-bit microcontroller market. MPLAB is a windows based application which contains:

  • A full featured editor
  • Three operating modes
    • editor
    • emulator
    • simulator
  • A project manager
  • Customizable tool bar and key mapping in order to Read out microprocessor PIC16C712 program
  • A status bar with project information

Extensive on-line help

  • MPLAB allows you to:
  • Edit your source files (either assembly or ‘C’)
  • One touch assemble (or compile) and download to PICmicro tools (automatically updates all project information)
  • Debug using:
    • – source files
    • – absolute listing file
  • Transfer data dynamically via DDE (soon to be replaced by OLE)
  • Run up to four emulators on the same PC