Unlock STM Chip ST7FMC1K6B3 Protected Eeprom need to figure out the operational mechanism of its central processing unit, Chip ST7FMC1K6B3 has a CPU with full 8-bit architecture and contains six internal registers allowing efficient 8-bit data manipulation.
Main features include:
Enable executing 63 basic instructions
Fast 8-bit by 8-bit multiply
17 main addressing modes (with indirect addressing mode)
Two 8-bit index registers
16-bit stack pointer
Low power Halt and Wait modes
Priority maskable hardware interrupts
Non-maskable software/hardware interrupts when Unlock STM Chip ST7FMC1K6B3 Protected Eeprom
The six CPU registers shown in below Figure are not present in the memory mapping and are accessed by specific instructions.
Accumulator (A)
The Accumulator is an 8-bit general purpose register used to hold operands and the results of the arithmetic and logic calculations and to manipulate data.
Index Registers (X and Y)
These 8-bit registers are used to create effective addresses or as temporary storage areas for data manipulation. (The Cross-Assembler generates a precede instruction (PRE) to indicate that the following instruction refers to the Y register.) after Unlock STM Chip ST7FMC1K6B3 Protected Eeprom
The Y register is not affected by the interrupt automatic procedures.
Program Counter (PC)
The program counter is a 16-bit register containing the address of the next instruction to be executed by the CPU. It is made of two 8-bit registers PCL (Program Counter Low which is the LSB) and PCH (Program Counter High which is the MSB) if UNLOCK MICROCONTROLLER.