MCU PIC18LF258 Program Cloning

We can carry on the MCU PIC18LF258 program cloning, please view the MCU PIC18LF258 features for your reference:
PIC18LF258 devices have two Analog to Digital Converters (ADC), see Figure 24-1 on page 41. The two ADC modules can be operated simultaneously, individually or synchronized.
The ADC converts analog voltages to digital values. The ADC has 12-bit resolution and is capable of converting up to 2 million samples per second. The input selection is flexible, and both single-ended and differential measurements can be performed. The ADC can provide both signed and unsigned results, and an optional gain stage is available to increase the dynamic range of the ADC when cloning MCU PIC18LF258 program.
It is a Successive Approximation Result (SAR) ADC. A SAR ADC measures one bit of the conversion result at a time. The ADC has a pipeline architecture. This means that a new analog voltage can be sampled and a new ADC measurement started on each ADC clock cycle. Each sample will be converted in the pipeline, where the total sample and conversion time is seven ADC clock cycles for 12-bit result and 5 ADC clock cycles for 8-bit result.
ADC measurements can be started by application software or an incoming event from another peripheral in the device. Four different result registers with individual channel selection (MUX registers) are provided to make it easier for the application to keep track of the data. It is also possible to use DMA to move ADC results directly to memory or peripherals if MCU PIC18LF258 program cloning.
Both internal and external analog reference voltages can be used. An accurate internal 1.0V reference is available.
Each ADC has four MUX selection registers with a corresponding result register. This means that four channels can be sampled within 1.5 µs without any intervention by the application other than starting the conversion. The results will be available in the result registers.
The ADC may be configured for 8- or 12-bit result, reducing the minimum conversion time (propagation delay) from 3.5 µs for 12-bit to 2.5 µs for 8-bit result. ADC conversion results are provided left- or right adjusted with optional ‘1’ or ‘0’ padding. This eases calculation when the result is represented as a signed integer (signed 16-bit number). PORTA and PORTB each has one ADC. Notation of these peripherals are ADCA and ADCB, respectively.The XMEGA A1 devices features two 12-bit, 1 Msps DACs with built-in offset and gain calibration, see Figure 25-1 on page 42.
A DAC converts a digital value into an analog signal. The DAC may use an internal 1.1 voltage as the upper limit for conversion, but it is also possible to use the supply voltage or any applied voltage in-between. The external reference input is shared with the ADC reference input when CLONE IC.