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The Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) allows the device to continue operating should the external oscillator fail. The FSCM can detect oscillator failure any time after the Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) has expired. The FSCM is enabled by setting the FCMEN bit in the CONFIG1H Configuration register. The FSCM is applicable to all external oscillator modes (LP, XT, HS, EC, RC and RCIO).
· Any Reset
· By toggling the SCS1 bit of the OSCCON register
Both of these conditions restart the OST. While the OST is running, the device continues to operate from the INTOSC selected in OSCCON. When the OST times out, the Fail-Safe condition is cleared and the device automatically switches over to the external clock source. The Fail-Safe condition need not be cleared before the OSCFIF flag is cleared.
PIC18(L)F2X/4XK22 devices offer a total of seven operating modes for more efficient power management. These modes provide a variety of options for selective power conservation in applications where resources may be limited (i.e., battery-powered devices) when Microcontroller PIC16C558A eeprom unlocking.
There are three categories of power-managed modes:
· Run modes
· Idle modes
· Sleep mode
These categories define which portions of the device are clocked and sometimes, what speed. The Run and Idle modes may use any of the three available clock sources (primary, secondary or internal oscillator block). The Sleep mode does not use a clock source.
The power-managed modes include several power-saving features offered on previous PIC® microcontroller devices. One of the clock switching features allows the controller to use the secondary oscillator (SOSC) in place of the primary oscillator. Also included is the Sleep mode, offered by all PIC® microcontroller devices, where all device clocks are stopped.
Selecting a power-managed mode requires two decisions:
· Whether or not the CPU is to be clocked
· The selection of a clock source
The IDLEN bit (OSCCON<7>) controls CPU clocking, while the SCS<1:0> bits (OSCCON<1:0>) select the clock source. The individual modes, bit settings, clock sources and affected modules are summarized in Table 3-1.
Switching from one power-managed mode to another begins by loading the OSCCON register. The SCS<1:0> bits select the clock source and determine which Run or Idle mode is to be used. Changing these bits causes an immediate switch to the new clock source, assuming that it is running. The switch may also be subject to clock transition delays. Refer to Section 2.9 “Clock Switching” for more information.
Entry to the power-managed Idle or Sleep modes is triggered by the execution of a SLEEP instruction. The actual mode that results depends on the status of the IDLEN bit.
Depending on the current mode and the mode being switched to, a change to a power-managed mode does not always require setting all of these bits. Many transitions may be done by changing the oscillator select bits, or changing the IDLEN bit, prior to issuing a SLEEP instruction. If the IDLEN bit is already configured correctly, it may only be necessary to perform a SLEEP instruction to switch to the desired mode.